Although i have an IT profile i like to see what´s going on these area I'm using mainly Google Analytics. I have noticed in Web Analytics that exists many concepts, i will detach some concepts like
Converstion Rate( percentage of unique visitors who take a desired action),
Bounce rate (% users that enter and get out in less 10 Seconds) if the percentage is high > 80%, your site needs like mine to be rebuild and have the content that attract visitors.
There are other tools to get the job done like
webtrends, ClickTracks To take the juice out of
There Some Questions to make to our software
- Why the visitor came to our web site ?
- Where they are located ? (Region,City,Country)
- what are they searching ? ( Products and Services, or both)
- What time they spend in average ?
- What is my convertion rate for my campaign X,Y,Z
These and other questions must have a response .
Internally we have to adpot our sites to the target market, we must have accurate content.
In the search engine we have to include the Keywords that are meaningfully to our brand and site.
I'm not encouraging no one to go to direct submission software tools for the submission of the web site because that can trap us and not giving the expected results. For these propose we must submit directly to Google, Yahoo, Msn or Live Search because these are that major search engines around, but we can not forget the local search Engines.